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The https://support.trassir.com portal allows you to create technical support applications, track their status, and also correspond and exchange files with DSSL engineers.


    If you previously contacted the DSSL technical support mail, then most likely an account has already been created. In this case, to gain access to the portal, you can use the password recovery form. If the login has not changed before, then it is the full email address.

    An account is created automatically when you contact technical support via e-mail support@dssl.ru, a request form to the support service on the dssl.ru website or when you make a phone call if the first-line engineer has been informed of the e-mail address.

    If the specified email address is not registered on the portal, an account is automatically created and an email with a link for activation is sent in response (when contacting via E-mail).

or a link to change the password (for a request from a form on the site).

Check spam, authorization letters can get there!

Follow the link to activate your account

or set your password.

You can also register a new account by yourself:

On the https://support.trassir.com portal, register at the Sign up link.

Work with the portal

    After entering the login and password, we get to the main page of the portal.

    Working time as well as links to contacts and the creation of a request for technical support DSSL can be seen in the top block of the main page.

Profile setup

    In the profile settings you can:

  • Change avatar
  • Add name
  • Change language
  • Change Password
  • Change the time zone.

To change the settings, click the Edit or Edit your profile button.

The default language is English.

Select the desired language from the Language menu.

To apply the settings, click the Save button.

Finding a solution to a problem or instruction

    You can use the Knowledge Base search to find instructions or solve common problems.

      On the main page of the portal, in the field What do you need help with? write a your question.

       The system will recommend articles and instructions similar in content.

        Direct access to the Knowledge Base Portal is available at https://confluence.trassir.com.

Creating a request through the portal

To request a script, click the Project requests → New script link.

To create a technical support request, click the Issues link.

In the window that opens, select the type of request(for example, Device issue).

If the question is not related to a specific product, then select Other

After that, the create request window will open.

Fields marked (optional) can be left blank, but the more information is provided, the faster we can figure out a question or problem and provide the necessary advice or assistance.

If necessary, you can attach files to the ticket (for example, screenshots or an archive with magazines and dump dumps). The maximum allowable file size is 29 MB.

After clicking on the Create button, a new request will be created.

Requests Search

To view and search for requests, click the Requests button in the upper right corner and select My requests or All requests from the menu that opens.

In the window that opens, in accordance with the selected filter, the available queries will be displayed:

My requests - created under this account;

All requests - all available requests (in addition, requests are displayed in which this account is indicated in the observers).

Using filters, you can configure the desired sorting or find the desired request by its number:

Open requests - requests in work;

Closed requests - requests for which work has been completed;

Created by me - requests are created under this account;

Created by anyone - all requests;

Where I am a participant- only requests in which this account is indicated in the observers.

Work with the request

Comments and request history

In the request interface, you can see the entire history of communication, as well as leave a new message through the Comment on request field.

You can also write a comment in the request by sending an email to support@dssl.ru (it is better to do this by responding to notifications for this request).

The main thing is that the request number should be indicated in the subject line of the letter!

Request Number:

Request Status

The following statuses exist:

Open - the ticket is in the queue for processing.

Wait Client - the technical support engineer is waiting for an answer to clarifying questions or additional information.

Wait DSSL - a response is expected from the technical support engineer (tests are being done, information from experts is being updated).

Closed - work on the request is completed or suspended for an indefinite period.

To resume work on a closed request, you can write a new comment or send an email to support@dssl.ru (it is better to do this by responding to notifications on this request) with the request number in the subject line.

After that, the request will automatically go into the Open status. If the question is not related to the old, we recommend creating a new request so as not to get confused between the old and new information.

Disable Email Notifications

Each comment, write in the request by other users is duplicated by email.

Sending a notification on this request can be disabled by clicking on the button Don't notify me

We do not recommend turning off notifications.
Add Observers

If there is a need to provide access to this request to other users, then click on the Share link.

In the window that opens, specify the E-mail of another user or several users and click on the Share button.

The list of participants subscribed to this request is displayed in the Shared with box.

You can cancel access for the user by clicking on the Remove button under the user.