1. Open Trassir Client application, then open up the main Trassir window using the red triangle on top of the screen, then go to "Settings" (a)
  2.  Choose the Server (b) from the "All Servers" Menu
  3. Go to "Server Settings" (c)
  4. Press "F4" button on your keyboard to open the engineer menu, reveal the "options" menu (d) by double-clicking on it
  5. Find the "enable_sshd" parameter, click on it and change it's value from "0" to "1" (f). Then press "F4" button on your keyboard again to close the engineer menu
  6. Download and run WinSCP - https://winscp.net/download/WinSCP-5.19.5-Setup.exe
  7. Connect to the server

    Host name: server IP

    Port number: 22

    Username: vms, if the software verion is >=4.4; trassir, if the software verion is below 4.4

    Password is a current Admin password (12345 by default)

  8. Open up the terminal in WinSCP (Shift+Ctrl+T) and enter the command: sudo mkdir /media/VmsArchive/Videos && sudo chmod 777 /media/VmsArchive/Videos
  9. Navigate to /media/VmsArchive/Videos directory in the right part of the WinSCP window. You can copy "/media/VmsArchive/Videos", press "Ctrl+O" and paste
  10. Navigate to the folder with .avi videos on your PC in the left part of the WinSCP then download your files to /media/VmsArchive/Videos directory by simple drag and drop
  11. Copy The full path to the .avi file

  12. Return to Trassir software. Reveal the "Hardware" → IP Devices → Add manually (g)
  13. Scroll all the way down to "File" - click it, then cleck on "Media File", then pase the full path

  14. Wait for some time and you will see your media file in IP Devices. Go to “Channel settings” (Or reveal the "Channels" menu) to configure this channel and setup any analytics that you need, like on a regular camera channel.

Aleksandr Savkin

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