It is highly recommended to install/update Trassir Client to an actual version if it is planned to update the NVRs from it.

This article contains:

Description of the software version's numbers

First of all, one should understand the difference between Major" and "Minor" numbers (releases) in software version.
Example of the software version: Trassir-
4.x.x.x - Main number of Trassir release
x.5.x.x - Major number of Trassir release
x.x.9.x - Minor number of Trassir release
x.x.x.0 - "hotfix" number, which is rarely differs from 0 nowadays
1206854 - id of the release, can be used for the assurance or comparing means
MiniNeuroStation1650-64 - Software family for different NVRs and bit capacity

What can be updated and under which conditions:

  • Any minor or hotfix release can be updated to any other higher Minor/Hotfix release.
    For example: can be updated to can be updated to can't be updated to - see next point
  • Major release can be updated to other higher Major release with any Minor number only if the latest Minor release is installed.
    For example: can be updated to, since is the latest Minor release for 4.4.x.x Major version can't be updated to, since is not the latest Minor release for 4.4.x.x Major version, and the "transitional" version ( is required.
    in other words, 4.4.x.x can be updated to 4.5.x.x only if version is installed

How to update the server to the actual software release version correctly

Before looking for the update file, gather the required info - points 1-3:

  • Current software versions of the NVR
    If the version is 4.2 - also gather the ID version number
  • Software family of the NVR
  • Price list model name of the NVR
    Not mandatory, the correct update pack can be found using the Software family alone
  • Actual release Major number

Full instruction:

  1. Determine the current software version and the software family.
    This can be done via Trassir GUI - Server Settings → Show Update log:

    The latest line is the current software version and software family
    In our example - Trassir- - is the current software version and MiniNeuroStation1650 is the software family.

    or via logs file - Server Settings → Logs & Dumps → Pack and download
    open the archive and find _service.log file:

  2. Determine the price list model name of the NVR
    (Not mandatory, the right update pack can be found using the Software family alone, but this could help to navigate through the
    One can see it on the sticker, for example:

    In our example, the price list model name is NeuroStation 8400R/32 INT
    (INT means International and can be ignored in the Model name)

    or in the License file:

    In this example, the price list model name is NeuroStation 8800R/128

  3. Determine the actual Major number.
    Proceed to
    The second number in "Actual release version" is the Major number:

    In our example, the Major number is 5 from

  4. If the Major number of the actual release is the same as the current software version of the NVR, download the actual software update:
    1. Go to
    3. Find the correct NVR model name
    4. Find the correct software family, compare it to a current software version on the NVR
      Move your cursor on the NVR model name and wait for a tooltip to appear in browser:

      In this example, the software family is NeuroStation1030G10-64

    5. Click on it and the download process will start. (File will be downloaded in the default folder which is set up in Browser settings)
    6. Update the NVR. Server Settings → Software Update → Install from file.

      For example, to update NeuroStation 8400R/32 to an actual version, this file is required:

  5. If the Major number of current software version of the NVR is lower than the Major number of an actual release, the "Transitional" updates are required. To find the correct transitional update, see the table below.
    It could take more than 1 update file to get it to the latest version, it depends on: the current Major number of the NVR + 1 (actual version update).
    For example, for the update to the actual version:
    From - 2 update packs are required - and
    From - 3 update packs are required -, and
    and so on.
    Proceed to previous point only when all transitional updates were installed.

    4.2 Major vesrion

    In case of NVRs which current software version is 4.2 - Compare the current software version ID with the Table below. If the current version ID is lower, then the latest update to 4.2 is required 

Transitional updates table

One can compare the id number of transitional (latest Minor) release with what is the current version on the NVR.

Price list model nameSoftware familyLatest 4.2 update ID and link4.3.3.3 update ID and link4.4.21.0 update ID and link
NeuroStation Compact
NeuroStation 8200/16
NeuroStation 8200R/16
NeuroStation 8200R/16-S
NeuroStation 8216R/TR
NeuroStation 8200R/32-SMiniNeuroStation1650-64116363511787251198127
NeuroStation 8400R/32-S
NeuroStation 8800R/64

NeuroStation 8400R/32
NeuroStation 8800R/64
NeuroStation 8800R/128
NeuroStation 8800R/128-S RAID
NeuroStation 8800R/128-S/X RAID
NeuroStation 8800R/160-A8-S
NeuroStation 8800R/160-A16
NeuroStation 8800R/160-A16-S


NeuroStation 8400R/48-S


NeuroStation 8800R/160-A8-S


NeuroStation Pro


This table will be expanded in case of necessity


I. The current version of the NVR is 4.2-NeuroStationPro-1139415. And the actual version in
Algorithm of actions:

  1. The software family is NeuroStationPro-64
  2. Since the Major number is 2, one has to compare the current software ID with the ID in the table to determine whether the update to the latest 4.2 is required.
  3. The current ID for NeuroStationPro-64 is lower (1139415<1163631) - so the first update will be to 4.2-1163631-NeuroStationPro-64 (link from the table)
  4. After the first update, it is possible to make a second update - from 4.2-1163631-NeuroStationPro-64 (The latest 4.2) to the latest 4.3.x.x - (link from the table)
  5. Same goes for the third update to the latest 4.4.x.x - (link from the table)
  6. Lastly, the fourth update - is an update to the actual version, which should be taken from -> TRASSIR OS UPDATES - NeuroStationPro (Use the table to determine relation between software family and price list model name)

II. The current version of the NVR is And the actual version in
Algorithm of actions:

  1. The software family is NeuroStation1030G10-64
  2. Since the latest version of 4.3.x.x is, as seen on the table (also the ID is lower as in previous example), the first update will be to (link from the table)
  3. After the first update, it is possible to make a second update - from to (link from the table)
  4. Lastly, the fourth update - is an update to the actual version, which should be taken from -> TRASSIR OS UPDATES - NeuroStation 8400R/32, NeuroStation 8800R/64 - Update file for TRASSIR NeuroStation 8400R/32, NeuroStation 8800R/64 (Use the table to determine relation between software family and price list model name)

III. The current version of the NVR is And the actual version in
Algorithm of actions:

  1. The software family is NeuroStationPro-64
  2. Since the latest version of 4.4.x.x is, as seen on the table (also the ID is lower as in previous example), the first update will be to (link from the table)
  3. The second and last upgrade is an update to the actual version, which should be taken from -> TRASSIR OS UPDATES - NeuroStationPro (Use the table to determine relation between software family and price list model name)

IV. The current version of the NVR is And the actual version in
Algorithm of actions:

Since the latest 4.4.x.x is installed, it is possible to update to the actual version, which should be taken from -> TRASSIR OS UPDATES - NeuroStationPro (Use the table to determine relation between software family and price list model name)

V. The current version of the NVR is And the actual version in

Since the current Major number (5) matches with the actual Major number, it is possible to update to the actual version, which should be taken from -> TRASSIR OS UPDATES - NeuroStation Compact, NeuroStation Compact RE, NeuroStation 8200/16, NeuroStation 8200R/16, NeuroStation 8200R/16-S, NeuroStation 8216R/TR - Update file for TRASSIR MiniNeuroStation (Use the table to determine relation between software family and price list model name)

Vasily Selivantsev 

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