1. Navigate to https://support.trassir.com/
  2. If you were not registered or logged in TRASSIR Jira yet, the login page will appear first:

  3. By clicking on "Sign up for an account", you will be transferred to account creation page:

    Enter your e-mail and captcha

  4. Soon you'll receive a message in which you will be asked to continue the registration:

    Click on "Sign Up"

  5. You will be transferred to name and password creation page:

    Enter it and press "Save and continue"

  6. Account is ready. You will be transferred to the category choosing page:

    First one is for the Russian support only!
    TRASSIR Support - International support for every client speaking English language.
    TRASSIR India and TRASSIR Turkey are for Turkey and India clients only.

  7. Choose TRASSIR Support or TRASSIR India or TRASSIR Turkey - and you will be transferred to ticket type choice page:

    The types are:
    ___Technical issue
    Project requests:
    ___Project task
    ___New script
    ___Help with making settings

  8. After choosing the ticket type, you will be transferred to the ticket creation fields:

    Mandatory fields are:
    Summary - shortly describe the topic of the request
    Description - the most detailed description of the task or of the problem
    Optional fields are:
    Device info - the exact model and configuration of the problematic device. This info will help technical specialists to solve the task faster
    Trassir info - the software version of the problematic device or software. This info will help technical specialists to solve the task faster
    Attachment - files can be uploaded in this field by drag'n'dropping or browsing on the PC. For example, server logs and dumps

    Click on "Create" at the bottom after all required fields are filled.

  9. After the ticket creation, you will be transferred to the ticket page on Jira Portal:

    You can leave a comment if there's new info, or you forgot to mention something.
    You can share this ticket by clicking "Share" and specifying the e-mail address of new receiver.
    You can remove the receiver if necessary:

  10.  Soon you will receive two messages on your e-mail, that the ticket is registered and the specialist has been assigned:

    If you click on "View request", you will be transferred to Jira Portal
    In Jira portal, you will see the message about assignee on your task:

  11. You will see messages from the specialists both in the e-mail and Jira portal.

  12. You can communicate with technical specialists using the comment field in Jira portal, or using replies in your e-mail service.

  13. You can see the status of the ticket:

    Possible statuses are:

    Open - ticket in a work queue.

    Wait Client - technical specialist waiting your answers or additional information.

    Wait DSSL - waiting for a response from another TRASSIR specialist.

    Closed - question in the ticket is resolved.
    You can re-open the ticket by leaving a comment in it or by replying on message that will come to your e-mail.

  14. After all your questions are solved, the technical specialist will close the ticket, and you will have an option to rate his work:
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