The server could reboot for some reason and Windows login windows will be hanging. Is it possible to provide automatic startup of TRASSIR in this case.

There are two options:

  1. TRASSIR Server software installation as Windows service. TRASSIR will start regardless of whether the user is authorised in Windows or not. But it should be taken into account that TRASSIR as a service does not have a user interface. If you need to work in the operator mode on the server, you need to additionally install TRASSIR Client software and make a connection to the server.
  2. Setting up the automatic login to Windows:
    1. Open the "Run" window (Start -> Run, or shortcut Win+R).
    2. In the window that opens, enter the command netplwiz and press OK.
    3. Highlight the desired user in the list.
    4. Uncheck "Require user name and password entry" and press Apply.
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