How to install GUI on CentOS.

We used CentOS-1611-minimal with kernel version 3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64

If you have Internet on server with CentOS, do next:

  • Install X

     yum groupinstall "X Window System"

  • Check what is the KDE package group called

     yum grouplist | grep KDE

  • Install KDE

     yum groupinstall "KDE Plasma Workspaces"

  • Reboot server

If you don't have Internet on server with CentOS, do next:

  • Download .rpm files and install it

     Link: KDE

  • Reboot server

Download and install Trassir Client

     Link: T1Client-standalone-13209.rpm

After installation you can check, that KDE works correctly, by next command


Note: You need to accept user agreement and create CentOS user and password

For automatically loading CentOS with GUI, do next command:

     systemctl set-default

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