There are two main implementations for controlling a barrier using the AutoTRASSIR module:

1. The AutoTRASSIR module performs license plate recognition or receives an already recognized number from the camera (AutoTRASSIR HW), and an automation script, based on predefined conditions, controls the barrier.
2. The AutoTRASSIR module detects the license plate number and sends it to a connected access control system (ACS). The decision to open/close the barrier and the transmission of the control signal is handled by the ACS.

1.  The first option is to control the barrier, where TRASSIR recognizes the numbers and signals the barrier to open and close.

Preparation and conditions:

- In the AutoTRASSIR module, internal and/or external lists of numbers must be filled in.
Auto Universal script is activated and configured
- An executive IP device with activated GPIO outputs is connected to TRASSIR, or a third-party ACS is connected that allows to control its executive devices.

In TRASSIR itself, both a video camera and a recorder with GPIO outputs or a separate GPIO device can act as an executive IP device.

If two cameras are used (separately for entry and exit), then one GPIO output is enough to control the barrier. For example, if it is decided to use the alarm output of the camera as an actuating device, then it is enough to connect only one output of any of the cameras to the barrier.

The options for implementing alarm outputs may differ (dry contacts, open collector, etc.). As a rule, for barrier controllers, in order to supply a control signal, it is necessary to physically close two outputs (pressing a physical button), so carefully study which output option is used in the actuator and which circuit needs to be implemented to simulate pressing a button.

Operating Logic:

  1. The AutoTRASSIR module recognizes the license plate or receives an already recognized number from the camera (AutoTRASSIR HW) and records it in the database with corresponding attributes (number, direction of movement, membership in lists).
  2. The Auto Universal script, based on the received event, checks the recognized number and, if the specified conditions match, sends a control signal to the required GPIO output or access control system (ACS) device.
  3. The closing of the barrier usually occurs automatically through the sensors of the barrier itself. The script settings allow for various scenarios, including manual opening/closing using a hotkey.

2. The second option is to implement the control of the barrier through the ACS.

How does it work?

1. The AutoTRASSIR module recognizes the license plate or receives an already recognized license plate number from the AutoTRASSIR HW camera and records it in the database with corresponding attributes (number, direction of movement, membership in lists).

2. The access control system (ACS) requests information about the recognized license plate number from TRASSIR and based on its own lists and settings, independently decides whether to open or close the barrier.

For example, the Sigur ACS is connected to the TRASSIR software, receives real-time license plate numbers, analyzes them, and performs the specified actions.

Such integrations are carried out by the ACS developers, and for any configuration-related questions regarding the ACS, it is necessary to contact the ACS manufacturer.

Aleksandr Savkin
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