Firstly, download:

Debian.iso 12.8.0
(While installing the software, it is recommended to choose: "Debian desktop environment" (Optionlal), "SSH server", "standart system untilities"):
alternate link:

Don't choose "GNOME", "GNOME Flashback", "KDE Plasma"!

Required files for TRASSIR daemon installation will be provided by TRASSIR technical specialist 

Installing OS Debian:

  1. Flash the USB drive with Debian .iso
  2. Plug it in the the Server, boot from it and start the installation
  3. During the installation of Debian, you need to install Debian desktop environment, SSH server and standard system untilities.

Setting up user rights after installing Debian

  1. Enable file editing for the user created during installation:

    su root
    nano /etc/sudoers
  2. In the file, under the root user line, add:

    user_name ALL=(ALL) ALL

    user_name - the user name specified during system installation.
    An example with user "test"

  3. Enable ssh on Debian for root:

    sudo sed -i '/^#.*PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/s/^#//' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    systemctl restart ssh

    Example of file content:

If you did not install SSH during system installation, install it manually:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install openssh-server
  • Нет меток