Create a ticket for Trassir Technical Support - , so a specialist will send you actual software links.

We recommend to install new version of Trassir Server Software (daemon) on a fresh OS, because major changes of the daemon may lead in problems in CentOS file and directory management if you just reinstall the daemon on the same OS.
Link to download CentOS -
Links to download Trassir repo for daemon and actual Trassir daemon will be provided by Trassir Technical Specialist in the ticket.
Link to download ntp server - 

Installation instruction:

1. Install CentOS. Be sure to format all the disks in the CentOS installation wizard before processing the installation itself. Set up network interface using CentOS installation wizard. Connect CentOS server to the internet (in case of no internet, you will have to upload some rpms for CentOS manually - Trassir Technical Specialist will guide there as well)

2. Connect to the server using WinSCP software (
Unpack archive and t1daemon-****.rpm to the /home directory on CentOS. Do not forget to replace the license.txt with an actual license file, the name should remain the same.
Your resulting /home directory should look like this:

repo folder:

3. Login as root, execute:

cd /home && chmod 777 /home/installrepo && ./installrepo

- Optional, if you plan to copy the files on CentOS from the NTFS flash drive (instead of winscp connection), install the ntfs package, but after the file copying, delete the package otherwise it will conflict with packages of the Trassir repo

The system will reboot if it will successfully install all the packages

4. Execute:

cd /home && chmod 777 /home/installt1daemon && ./installt1daemon

The system will reboot if it will successfully install all the packages

5. Connect to the server via Trassir Client (it's better to use the latest release version from our website ), accept the license agreement and wait a little bit for a reconnect.

Archive disk connection

A. If you plan to use CentOS machine's disks as archive, follow next steps:
check whether the disk is detected, using the command:


In our case, it's "sdb", execute:

fdisk /dev/sdb

- Press "p" . There should be no created sections after pressing the "p" - but if there are, press "d"
- "p" again . If there was a section - it will be deleted
- "g"
- "n"
- "1"
- "2048"
- enter the last number before the last bracket (marked as default)
- "w"

Check if the new section has been created (there would be "sdb1" in our case):


Do this for all CentOS drives that are planned to use as archive.

# mkfs.ext4 /dev/[section]
in our case, the section is sdb1
for a single drive:
# mkdir /media/VmsArchive && chmod 777 /media/*
for multiple drives (in the next example - 3 drives):
# mkdir /media/VmsArchive
# mkdir /media/VmsArchive2
# mkdir /media/VmsArchive3 
execute as much "mkdir /media/VmsArchive'x', where 'x' - is a different number according to each hard drive you have
#chmod 777 /media/*

To get the UUID of the disk, execute:

ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid/

In our case of "sdb" drive, it's UUID is: a81b597d-4a32-4986-aee2-0f0cbc66e1cb

crontab -e
mount --uuid=[your_uuid] /media/VmsArchive

In our case, it will be: mount --uuid=a81b597d-4a32-4986-aee2-0f0cbc66e1cb /media/TrassirArchive
Do this for all drives that are planned to use as archive on this CentOS server.

Open up Trassir Client again, go to Archive, enter /media/TrassirArchive/ and press "add"
Do this for all drives that are planned to use as archive on this CentOS server.

B. If you are planning to connect NAS to CentOS, use this manual - How to connect NAS to CentOS via iSCSI protocol

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