Choosing the correct camera position, angle and/or model for efficient installation on a project can be quite a difficult task, however there are different instruments which help to accomplish it. And one of those instruments is a lens calculator, for example - JSVG ,

Usually, such tool is designed to shift several parameters, taken into consideration that other parameters are already known.

Recognition cases

We highly recommend to use the lens calculator for choosing the camera models, angles and position for analytics modules, and Face/ANPR Recognition modules in first place.

An example of how to use it:

Let's suppose that we know:

  1. Camera model or characteristics
  2. Target's height (average human ~ 1.8m)
  3. Required distance for recognition ~ 10m
  4. Required width of focus ~ 10m)

Knowing that, we can shift position height and focal length to meet the Face Recognition requirements, such as: horizontal and vertical angles not more than 30 degrees, 250 PPM pixel density minimum.


More about Trassir Face Recognition module requirements - Face Recognition
More about Trassir ANPR module requirements - AutoTRASSIR

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