Main features

Script Client - The script is designed to connect the server with the script Analytics и Parking  and other scripts for the client part TRASSIR.

This script is installed on the client part of TRASSIR and transmits the data of the analytical module to the web interface.


The script must be added in the Automation section->New Script->Download example->From file.

After downloading the script, you need to click on the "Save, run" button, TURN it OFF by removing the checkbox and configure it. After selecting the desired reactions and alarms, turn on the script.

Note: If you need to reconfigure something in the script, you need to turn it off.

Configuring the script

  1. Select a server with an analytical module (script)
  2. Select the port (depending on the module to be displayed on the client)

    The port must be accessible from the server with the script to the client part where this script is installed.

  3. Select the monitor on which you want to open the interface
  4. Select the desired function, you will run it in the operator interface by clicking: 

  • 9002 - Parking
  • 9003 - Some individual developments
  • 9006 - Analytics
  • 9009 - TFortis
  • 9011 - Trassir Switches

Download the script:


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