Main features

The script allows to automate the operator's work with a rotary camera.

If the operator is inactive, the script will switch the camera to one of the following modes:

  • Navigating through camera presets
  • Switching to preset


  • Go to automation, click "Download example" and select "From file", specifying the path to the script.
  • Uncheck "Enable script".
  • Configure the script.
  • Click "Save".
  • Activate the "Enable script" checkbox.

Configuring the script

  1. Channel - channel selection
  2. Work by shedule - selecting a schedule, if the schedule is not selected, the "Default mode" operation mode will be enabled

  1. Default mode (Green or without schedule). Default mode: if the schedule is not selected, the camera will work according to the specified mode. When the schedule is selected, the camera will switch to the set operating mode when the schedule is in green.

  2. Alarm mode - the schedule is in the red zone
  3. Other mode - the schedule is in the blue zone

  1. Default preset - specify a preset to work in Preset mode

  2. Patrol path - patrol path in Patrol mode

  3. Preset timeout, sec - waiting time when switching to the next preset in Patrol mode

  4. Max random preset timeout, sec. If Preset timeout Max random preset timeout the time when switching presets will be the same, for switching presets with random time Max random preset timeout should be more Preset timeout.

For the setting Preset timeout и Max random preset timeout it is not recommended to set the value <15, because this may affect the operation of the mechanical part of the camera.

  • ActiveDome / User inactivity, sec - If the camera is activated in the ActiveDome module or the PTZ is activated by the user, this parameter determines how long the script will continue to work if there are no commands from the ActiveDome module or the user is inactive.

  • Debug mode - script debugging mode. The file with the script logs is saved in the screenshots folder.

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