Main features

This script is designed to restart or shut down the server automatically according to a schedule.


  • Go to automation, click "Download example" and select "From file", specifying the path to the script.


Restart typeSelect an action to be performed by the script:

  • Shutdown Trassir only - Exit the Trassir program, the server itself will not go into reboot, only software;
  • SW reboot - The Trassir software will be restarted, server will not be rebooted;
  • HW Reboot - The server will be rebooted;
  • Power off - The server will be turned off, not rebooted;
  • Drop monitor settings - The monitor will reboot and reset.

Startup delay (sec) - time after the system start, during which the script will not respond to schedule changes;

Debug - debug mode;

Type schedule - schedule operation mode (if report saving reaction mode is selected). Possible options:

  • universal - work with schedule (zones);
  • alternative - work with the schedule (with parameters in the script).

Work mode - script work mode. Possible options:

  • weekly - works with days of the week;
  • monthly - works with dates.

Working days - days for the script to work, it is possible to specify several by listing them separated by commas;

Save at(hours:minutes) - server restart time. Specified in the format hours:minutes;

Schedule (red zone) - schedule, triggered when entering the red zone.

Schedule load time (sec) - the time during which the script will try to access the schedule. Relevant for situations when the server just turned on and the script loaded faster than the schedule.

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