Main features

Adding and removing IP devices from the list in the .csv format


  • Go to automation, click "Download example" and select "From file", specifying the path to the script.
  • Uncheck "Enable script" and click save.
  • Perform the configuration and click "Save and run".


When reading a .csv file, the first line is skipped because it is used for headers. "," or ";" can be used as a separator.

Examples of filled files

Possible options for adding IP devices:

  • Adding the device specifying a specific model.
  • Adding using auto-detection.
  • Adding via ONVIF/RTSP/File.

Nuances of filling in a .csv file:

  1. The IP name of the device and the channel name are the same - in this case, an underscore "_" will be added to the end of the IP name of the device in order to avoid further problems with the same names.
  2. The IP name of the device/channel is not specified in the .csv file, in this case Trassir will be assigned a reference name (according to the device model).
  3. The IP device from the .csv file has already been added to the server, in this case, the settings that are specified in the .csv file will be set.
  4. Family/model fields are case-insensitive.

To delete IP devices from the server in the .csv file, it will be enough to specify only the IP address of the device and the port, the rest of the data is optional.

Absolute path to file(csv) - the absolute path to the .csv file.

Server - the server for working with the script.

Timeout between adding cameras(sec) - the time between adding cameras to the server (seconds).

Timeout arming camera ONVIF/Autodetect(sec) - the time during which an attempt to detect the camera will occur is relevant for ONVIF and auto-detection (seconds).


  • create - adds the device IP to the server from a .csv file.
  • delete - deletes the IP devices on the server that are present in the .csv file.

Debug mode - debugging mode.

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