Main features

Adding persons from pre-prepared photos while preserving the structure and folder names to the database of persons.

Unloading from the database of persons with the preservation of the structure and names of folders.


  • Add persons to both Trassir OS and Windows servers.
  • Choosing a person's name.
  • Save all persons to the screenshots folder in the form of photos.


The script must be added in the Automation section->New Script->Download example->From file.

After downloading the script, you need to click on the "Save, run" button, TURN it OFF by removing the checkbox and configure it.

Configuring the script

Saving photos of persons to the screenshots folder.

  1. In the 'Type of work' field, select export
  2. Click 'Save and Run'

Uploading photos of persons to the database of persons.

  1. In the 'Type of work' field, select import
  2. Place packages and files with photos of faces in the face_from_folder folder:
  3. Click 'Save and Run'

It is possible to import from another available package, for this you need to register the full path, use a straight slash as delimiters:

In the name of the photo file, it is possible to specify the gender through an underscore, for example: Catherine female.jpg . By default, the male gender is set.

CSV update persons

Main functions

Adding information about persons in the fields "Note", "Contact information" from a csv document transcoded in


The script must be added in the Automation section->New Script->Download example->From file.

After downloading the script, you need to click on the "Save, run" button, TURN it OFF by removing the checkbox and configure it. After selecting the desired reactions and alarms, turn on the script.

File name - the name of the csv file must be specified along with the extension. The file must first be placed in the "Screenshots" folder. This is a required parameter.
The file structure should look like this:

Example .csv file - csv_example.csv

It is also possible to edit the file in notepad:

Column with name - the parameter in which the column with the full name of the person is specified is a mandatory parameter. In our example it is "Employee".

Columns to comment - a parameter in which you can specify columns from the file (separated by commas ","), which should be entered in the information about the persons in the "Note" section, is not a mandatory parameter. In our example it is "Post".

Columns to contact info - the parameter in which you can specify the columns from the file (separated by commas ","), which should be entered in the information about the person in the "Contact information" section, is not a mandatory parameter. In our example it is "department".

Only one person with full name - by default, False, if set to True - when finding identical persons, the script will not change information about them.

Debug - debugging mode. The script log will be recorded in a separate file that is created in the "Screenshots" folder.

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