Instruction manual.

In the archive - file-firmware
IPCManager is a utility for searching and configuring the camera.
ReadMe.pdf - Instructions for updating the camera software

Software updates should be performed on a camera disconnected from the TRASSIR Cloud service.
Uncheck the On flag in the WEB interface on the Settings tab -> Network -> Trassir Cloud or
remove the camera from the cloud

If there is a *.rootfs file in the archive, first upload *.fm to the camera, and then repeat
the procedure for updating the camera software using the *.


Software update using the utility

At the time of the firmware, antivirus software and FireWall on your PC should be disabled.

The utility allows you to flash multiple cameras at the same time, with different IP addresses

1.Restart the camera!
2. In the cmd, run ping to the camera:
ping -t [ip address of the camera]
3. Run the IPCManager utility and on the Firmware Upgrade tab, specify the camera (set the flag).
4. Use the Browse button to select the firmware file. Make sure that you specify the correct
firmware file for this model.
5. Enter the login/password for the camera. ((UserName / Password)
6. Start the update by clicking the Upgrade button. On Upgrading will appear in the status column.
7. After the file transfer is completed, the status will change to Upgrade Success.
The firmware update has started directly on the camera.
8. Wait for the camera to restart automatically (follow the ping in the cmd)

The update may take several minutes.
In any case, do not reboot the camera yourself.

9. After an automatic reboot, the camera will be available on the network.
10. Reset the camera settings to the default values (Required!). If a firmware update
is required to fix network setup problems, a factory reset must be performed.

Software update via the WEB interface

At the time of the firmware, antivirus software and FireWall on your PC should be disabled.

1. Restart the camera!
2. In the command line, run ping to the camera.
ping -t [camera ip address]
3. Open the Settings->System->Maintenance section in the camera's WEB interface (Settings-
4. Use the Browse button to select the firmware file. Make sure that you specify the correct
firmware file for this model.
5. Start the update by clicking the Upgrade button. A line will appear showing the percentages
of the file download.
6. Wait for the download to complete. A message will appear in the file upload line:Please Don't power
off on upgrading (Upgrade is underway, please do not turn off the power)
7. Wait for the camera to restart automatically (follow the ping in the command line)

The update may take several minutes.
In any case, do not reboot the camera yourself.

8. After the automatic reboot, the camera will be available on the network.
9. Reset the camera settings to the default values (Required!). If a firmware update
is required to fix network setup problems, a factory reset must be performed.

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