Main features

The script is designed to collect information from Trassir detectors: people counter, sales conversion, queue detector. Builds reports based on this data and sends reports on E-Mail.

The script is designed to analyze the detectors included in the package "Business Analytics".

  • People CounterPeople Counter Pro, Human Detector
  • Shelf Detector
  • People Counter Pro and  Queue Detector
  • Face Analitics

It allows to build reports:

  • Visitors activity reports
  • Visitors reports
  • Shelves condition reports
  • Queue reports
  • Workplace reports
  • Sales conversion reports

This script downloads the report from web interface or server with TrassirOS.

Reports are uploaded weekly, weekly, and monthly.

Upload reports to e-mail to all who participate in data processing.


The script should be added in automation->New script->Load sample->From file.

After loading the script, you must click on the "Save, run" button, turn it OFF by removing the check-box and configure it.

After selecting the desired reactions and alarms, enable the script.

Note: If you need to reconfigure something in the script, it must be turned off.

Script settings

Sales conversion:

Sales conversion - the ratio between the number of potential buyers (crossing the line in the detector) and customers who made a purchase (data from Pos terminals).

  1. Select detectors lines, which will be used for counting
  2. The names of the terminals (separated with commas), which will be ignored for calculating the conversion

  1. The number of people who will trigger an alarm event.
  2. Frequency of alarm response after the first appearance.

  1. Select the threshold for alarm status of the shelves.
  2. Frequency of alarm response after the first appearance.

  1. Approximate number of people in the store by the line crossing in the detector
  2. The amount of time that counts people.

Example: 100 people arrived in 10 minutes - an alarming event appeared

Set the time to collect statistics on the object.

  1. Select a local folder on the computer
  2. Select a pre-created schedule.
  3. Set check box if you want to view reports from the minibrowser.

  1. Write your E-mail account in Trassir.
  2. Set the time for sending reports
  3. Attach to the E-mail reports in the .ods format

The counting is carried out at the intersection of the line: from A → B - this is the entrance; from B → A this is the exit. It can be one line for entrance and exit.

  1. Select the line in the detector.
  2. Set a check-box if you need information about the number of people, who left object.

Specify E-mail addresses where reports will be sent.

Work with a minibrowser

To work from the minibrowser, you need to rename your Analytics script at your discretion. For example, rename it to "Analytics"

Next you need to select in the operator interface:

Select our script Analytics

Next, you will see a mini-browser with Analytical modules:

After it is possible to view reports by selecting the time and creating reports.

On the example of Visitor Activity, will consider the formation of reports:

1 — Select the date of report generation.

2 — Select the period. If you selected the report is not for a day, then the number, that you choose in part 1 will be the reference number. For example, you selected 30.04.2019. when forming a period for a week with this number, you will select the period from 29.04 -05.05, if you selected month - for April (04 month). You can setup more number of days in minibrowser, after once clicked "Open"

3 — Generate reports

4 — In this case, these are entrances/exits, which will used for generating report.

1 – If after generating a report for a week, month, year,- you need to view the report for the selected day, just click on the entrance/exit and the report will be released for the day, that you clicked.

2 — When you select an arbitrary report, it is possible to adjust the number of days that you need for an arbitrary report.

3 — This functionality allows you to display the report in table and save it.

4 — If you select several objects(lines), you can form the total activity for some entrances/exits.

4.1 — Select the entrance/exit

4.2 — And the total activity on the selected borders will be appear  (2)

Similar reporting is available in the other components of the analytical module.

Reporting is saved in .html and .ods format

Object names must be unique (do not repeat the names of channels, devices, schedules, etc.)

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