To get this script, please contact your Manager in TRASSIR

Use case scenario

There is one of the parking variations where the customer needs to control the entry/exit to the parking lot, followed by control of the car and obtaining information about how many cars are currently in the parking lot.
It is required to provide access based on a previously created individual application. Automatic access to parking should also be supported.

Brief description of the script's capabilities

An entry application is created for each tenant, according to the car’s license plate.
The presence of barriers at entrances/exits is allowed, since the script allows to work with alarm outputs.
This solution is relevant for paid parking lots, guarded facilities and other places where it is needed to control the access and to receive information about how many cars are currently in the parking lot until the car leaves it.
It is possible to generate screenshots with subsequent storage, as well as to view a report on the car’s presence in the parking lot.
The script allows to work with several AutoTRASSIR channels (up to 10).


The script must be added in the Automation section->New Script->Download example->From file.
After downloading the script, click on the "Save, run" button and proceed to the settings of the script.


In the parameters of the script, select the number of AutoTRASSIR channels so that the required number of fields for configuration are created in the ParkingRenters script interface.

In order to get into the ParkingRenters interface, proceed to the operator mode then select Modules → ParkingRenters).

There are no strict requirements for the setup order.
Under each item in the settings field, there are comments on what exactly it is needed to be set up.

In the SETTINGS section the following is available:

  • Channel selection with license plate recognition;
  • Setting the direction corresponding to the exit;
  • Setting up the direction so that the script understands entry or exit is carried out on the specified channel (if one channel is used for entry and exit, select Entry and exit in the drop-down list);
  • Alarm output selection;
  • On/Off creating the screenshots;
  • Path to save the screenshots;
  • Storage period for the screenshots.

Creating Tenants

To create tenants for which the applications will be generated, go to the appropriate interface section. Set the tenant's name and password and click the ADD button.
After this, the created tenant will appear below in the list. The created tenants will also appear in the list of users of the TRASSIR server on which the script is running in the ParkingRenters group.
If necessary, an outdated or erroneously created tenant can be deleted.

Creating categories

At this section, create a category for subsequent use in the applications. Set the type of category - permanent or disposable, the title and the cost of parking.

Creating applications

Specify the previously created category, as well as the tenant. After this, indicate the number for which a reaction is required.

In case of a need to auto-update the information that this module provides, for example - applications window - the script's web page has to be opened in browser with auto-update plugin. We recommend to use Google Chrome and "Auto refresh page" plugin which can be set up conveniently.

Script's web page can be accessed using this button in operator's interface:

The result of the script's work

The result of the script can be tracked on the main page of the module, as well as on the ARCHIVE section. Once a car with the required license plate has entered the AutoTRASSIR recognition zone, this is displayed on the main page. The parameters that are displayed in this case are in the screenshot below.

If the generation of screenshots is configured, they are saved in the specified path, if there is space. The screenshot contains the name of the channel, the name of the workstation, and the time of creation. An example:

Active applications can be seen in APPLICATIONS section

After the car leaves, the line with its number disappears from the list on the main page, as well as from the list with current applications. Information on car departure can be obtained in the ARCHIVE section. One can see the dates of entry and exit, as well as the duration of stay. If there are a lot of events, it is possible navigate through them using filters (by dates, as well as by clients).

Also, in the ARCHIVE section, it is possible to export the report in xlsx format (the Save report button), but it will only be available when the interface is opened through a third-party browser (we recommend Chrome). One can log in under one of the created tenants (applications from this tenant will be displayed); by default, in accordance with the rights, there will be no access to settings and to the creation of new objects. One can log in under a different user, for the administrator login: admin, password: local user password.

Users who were previously deleted are entered into the table under their guid. Named users will be recorded first, in alphabetical order, followed by deleted users

Script keeps a full event log in the ParkingRenters.log file, which is stored in the Screenshots if debug mode is enabled.

To get this script, please contact your Manager in TRASSIR

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