Main features

The script remembers the last event from AutoTRASSIR and, according to the configured parameters, sends the received data by POST request to the url specified in the script settings.


URL - full url address on which POST request is planned to be sent

Enable authentication - checkbox to turning on the authentication

Login - authentication login

Password - authentication password

Debug - advanced logging mode of the script. The result debugging file will be available in Screenshots section of the Server Settings

  "id": 931416,
  "plate": "a777aa7?",
  "best_guess": "a777aa77",
  "radar_speed": 0.0,
  "country": "tr",
  "lane": 1,
  "server": {
    "name": "SERVER_NAME",
    "guid": "SERVER_GUID"
  "channel": {
    "name": "CHANNEL_NAME",
    "guid": "CHANNEL_GUID"
  "direction": "DOWN",
  "vehicle_type": "car",
  "quality": 80.14884185791016,
  "time_enter": 1601291186685565,
  "time_bestview": 1601291190660987,
  "time_leave": 1601291191734351,
  "matched_embrecords_history": [
    {"reaction": 1, "comment": ""},
    {"reaction": 2, "comment": "embrecord"}
  "matched_extlists_history": [
    {"reaction": 1, "comment": "extrecord"}


id: number - unique event identifier

plate: string - recognized license plate, might be with "?" signs in place of uncertain characters

best_guess: string - recognized license plate, without "?"

radar_speed: number - vehicle speed (if radar integration is used, not actual at the moment)

country: string - template country, if recognized, might be an empty string

lane: number - lane number the vehicle drove along

server: object - information about the server from which the event came:

  • name: string - name of the server from which the event came
  • guid: string - GUID of the server from which the event came

channel: object - information about the channel from which the event came:

  • name: string - name of the channel from which the event came
  • guid: string - GUID of the channel from which the event came

direction: string - movement direction

vehicle_type: string - vehicle type, possible values:

  • car
  • motorcycle
  • bus
  • truck
  • van

quality: number - detection confidence in time_bestview from 0 to 100

time_enter: number - timestamp of a vehicle entering the frame

time_bestview: number - timestamp  of the best frame for recognizing the license plate

time_leave: number - timestamp of a vehicle leaving the frame.

matched_embrecords_history: array of objects - where the license plate was found (internal lists):

  • reaction: number - possible options: 0 - black list, 1 - information list, 2 - white list
  • comment: string - comment might be empty

matched_extlists_history: array of objects - where the number was found (external lists):

  • reaction: number - possible options: 0 - black list, 1 - information list, 2 - white list
  • comment: string - comment might be empty

  • Нет меток