Could be raised if ARM-based NVR is used.
For other cases, update the software to an actual version.
Scripts might have resource files. While first turn on of a script, VMS creates a folder where it saves the script's resources for the further work.
If during the process of script refinement changes were made to these files and the script did not change its version and when loading a new version of the script, VMS will not overwrite previously created files, and the main script code will work with them as modified, thereby accessing new functions and classes that do not exist.
The problem can be fixed by changing the version of the script, for example,
IOError: [Errno 28] No space
The disk space has run out.
With this error one need to analyze what operations the script performs (saves screenshots, exports videos, saves reports, etc.), go to the save path and see the available space.
To check the availability of free space on TRASSIR NVRs, one can use this script, which will show the free space in the error when is being run. The PATH variable in the script body is responsible for the absolute path to the folder.
RuntimeError: acore not found
Raised when Business Analytics core is disabled or is not working.
Update the software to an actual version.
Common recommendations
If it is not possible solve the problem/error yourself, please contact our Technical Support specialists.
Try to collect as much information as possible:
- Script logs
- Error screenshot (if an error occurred during the script operation)
- Description of your actions and expected/obtained results
- Script file.
Script logs and debug
Many scripts may contain a parameter in the settings that launches extended script log collection. Most often it can be called as:
- Debug mode
- Save logs
- Logs
When running a script with this setting enabled, a detailed log of the script's operation can be saved in the screenshots folder. The log file is usually named <script name>_(<script guid>).log
Also, most scripts save the log in the main TRASSIR VMS log, which can be obtained by saving server dumps. How to download the dump file is described in this article.